så kefft allt bara är här i umeå,finns absolut ingenting alls att göra. INGENTING
folket-nej tack no offens men allt e ba zerr här
vill bara härifrån så snabbt som möjligt men på ett sätt jag inte ångrar mig på
finns så mycket jag skulle lätt kunna skriva men fuck that
anwayz sitter och äter nacho med smält ost och salsa sås
btw this one too all yall fuckers
Imma tella a history to all you haters
all you could do is talk,nothing else to than walk
walk away from reality,that's stupidy
please don't hate cuz me and myself dont give a damn
all you bitches thought you could step on me,
but no as long as i am in the game you'll never win
,i hate to say this but its the truth,
someone have to come out with it,ha eller hur
so let me tella bout the hoe,only one you know
fucking hoe get a life i fucking piss on you,you better know
i heard ya pregnant,3 time in a girl calm down
and get you self a mothafucking pimpcode
imma tella you this,the last time
i dont give a fuck what you rhyme,in my rhyme i have somethin
to tell,not like your shit when you play
Yeah so what i call ya a crackhoe,but don't blame me
when the whole city knooows,you playin shit and think you'r IT
but no darling,imma grab you down to the earth
before you do somethin stupid like fucking birth./z
6 agianst one ha?fuckyaallll

Imma tella a history to all you haters
all you could do is talk,nothing else to than walk
walk away from reality,that's stupidy
please don't hate cuz me and myself dont give a damn
all you bitches thought you could step on me,but no as long as i am in the game you'll never win
,i hate to say this but its the truth,someone have to come out with it,ha eller hur?
so let me tella but the hoe,only one you know
fucking hoe get a life i fucking piss on you,you better know
i heard ya pregnant,3 time in a girl calm down
and get you self a mothafucking pimpcode
imma tella you this,the last time
i dont give a fuck what you rhyme,in my rhyme i have somethin
to tell,not like your shit when you play
Yeah so what i call ya a crackhoe,but don't blame me
when the whole city knooows,you playin shit and think you'r IT
but no darling,imma grab you down to the earth
before you do somethin stupid like fucking birth.
Postat av: A
Flytta till sthlm :D Umeå = Bajs